“Write it ‘Right'” and Other Reasons to Write

“From the front of the classroom, the transformation that Morning Pages causes is almost startling. Even after two and a half decades as a teacher, I am still struck with wonder as people seem to change right before my eyes. I call the process ‘spiritual chiropractic’ as changes are made in exactly the direction that they are needed. Overeaters curb their binges. Undereaters begin to eat more regularly. From the front of the room, the increased health is readily evident. And ‘all’ they are doing is writing.” (Julia Cameron, The Writing Diet: Write Yourself  Right-Size”

I am changing my life. One word at a time, one creative project at a time, one moment at a time–I am manifesting a life that fills me with joy. That is difficult and sometimes scary, but it feels right.

However, in order to really live the life I envision I have to get control of several (inevitably linked) things, my weight, my health and my self-confidence. I don’t need to be a size two or anything, I just want to be a healthy weight so that I can hike comfortably with my daughter (at my own short-legged pace, of course) or travel to other countries without worrying that somehow I hold others back or might end up in the hospital. I don’t want to worry about my heart stopping at a strange moment, or future manifestations of diseases that I could prevent by simply taking better care of myself.

I know how to eat healthy, and I have had some successes without actually dieting. If I use the word diet, even in my mind, I am doomed to failure so it has been banned from my consciousness. However, in typical fashion something always happens to reverse my success. No, not something! The only thing that gets in my way is:

Me, Myself, and I

I come up with excuse for not exercising, or for eating one more cookie, or for choosing something unhealthy rather than healthy.

In the same way, I am an expert at making excuses for why I am not progressing in whatever creative project has caught my attention.

I can’t do this to myself anymore!

So I am taking on a challenge, inspired by Julia Cameron, author of The Writer’s Way  and The Writing Diet. I am going to write myself right.

But not just my weight, and not just through writing.

I am going to:

  • write myself right
  • create myself calm
  • dance myself delighted
  • walk myself wonderful
  • sing myself sensuous
  • paint myself pretty
  • journal myself joyous

I am going to do all these things and more. I know it won’t be easy and sometimes it will feel impossible. I know that life will have its ups and downs. I know I can’t do it alone.

But I believe in myself and my ability to “write myself right.”

Anyone need or want to join me?

52 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Victoria-writes
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 11:46:24

    Yay Lisa, I’m with you!


  2. Piglet in Portugal
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 11:49:56

    I’ll join you Lisa.

    Your words about self-esteem resonate with me. Why do we always put ourselves down? Always think others are better, or think if only I was this or that. I am learning (gradually) to be happy in my own skin and be me – for better or worse. Rather than beat myself up over my weaknesses, I am working to recognise and do something about them as I am with identifying my strengths.


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:47:03

      Woo Hoo Pip! I wish I knew the answer as to why we always put ourselves down. I think it partially comes from a subtle pressure not to gloat or think too highly of ourselves, so we go to the other extreme. The Pip I have met (through your blog of course) is an incredibly talented person, with an eye for all the beauty in the world, and a passion for making the world a better place. I think that is pretty special.


      • Piglet in Portugal
        Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:58:24

        Hi Lisa,
        Thanks for your kind words… 😳
        If I could “write like what you do” LOL I would be over the moon.
        Perhaps we all need a “self-esteem buddy” 🙂 I am creative but not a natural writer. I need a buddy who is not necessarily creative, but good on the technical side. It would be a win win situation for both.


  3. the domestic fringe
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 11:53:37

    I love this! I want to write myself right too. Best wishes on your journey. It’s so exciting that you can transform yourself from the inside out.


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:45:25

      That’s the amazing thing, so many of us are already sort of starting. What is a blog if not a place to explore ourselves? Now we just have to take that one step further and commit to the transformation.


  4. Julia Skinner
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 11:54:37

    I’ll take up this challenge with you! Life is very busy and in some respects very successful but it’s at a price that is my welfare & self esteem. I need to not have external things and people driving me. So, sign me up!


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:44:41


      You are such an inspiration as a person who pursues her passions and beliefs with every fiber of her being. I don’t want you to lose yourself along the way, so let’s just embrace the changes we need to make and help each other along the way.


  5. benzeknees
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 11:57:18

    I would like to try to write myself right as well! I may be a little behind the rest of you while I’m working on quitting smoking (almost 5 weeks now), but I will do my damndest to keep up!


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:43:36

      You are not behind, you are simply facing a different aspect of the challenge. I bet Cameron’s book could inspire you too. Whenever you smoke, or have the urge to smoke, write! Open a journal and explore why you want to smoke (or are smoking). Explore the topic in words. I bet it will help you discover your triggers and in that way help you stop.


  6. mye1212
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:17:39

    Lisa, I came across you today and feel like I’ve found a kindred soul. I’m down 30lbs, 120 more to go (yes, you read that correctly) I’m currently doing two of Cameron’s books The Artists Way and The Prosperous Heart. ANd I’ve just started my blog. So, yes, I’ll join you! Here’s to journeys of discovery…


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:38:53

      Welcome Myebella. I have to revisit The Artists Way (although I think I lost my copy on one of my moves, harrumph). Welcome to the world of blogging. Congrats on the 30 lbs and way to go on your goal. Trust me I understand. While I only have about 60lbs that I want to lose, I know that I could go completely in the other direction.

      I’ll be by to visit your blog soon.



  7. thebestdigger
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:21:54

    I’m there with you. I participate in essay classes with Sheila Bender and Writing It Real, and though not a diet target, it is about speaking myself plain to myself. Real. Not contrived. Seeing me on my own page. As I began writing i immediately saw a trap: how many of us write in our pj”s? Doesn’t sound like a bad thing, does it? Comfortable and unconfining clothing while sitting for hours exercising my brain, my heart and my fingers across the millenia (it seems) of low self-esteem and a dead mother still dictating to me). I have long known that our outside reflects our inside. I’m writing very difficult things. I want to just sit here and suck my thumb. So I dress up a little. Nice pair of slacks. A pretty shirt or T. Comb my hair, put on my day makeup. Know what? I look better. Feel better. Write better! Eat less. What must I add? When I remember a break, I walk the stairs, get my heart rate up and read the actually beautiful woman I’m putting on the page. On a mission to know who I am, who I could have been before I die, who I allowed others to say I am or was, I’m walking exhilaration! And walking it with you. You go, Lisa, forward is the right direction.


  8. benzeknees
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 13:43:12

    Sorry I meant to say “write in my birthday suit than curtains!”


  9. Kathryn McCullough
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 14:03:04

    I’d love to join you, too, but I have no idea what that would mean. Is Cameron really claiming that morning pages will make you crave less food?


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 14:16:57

      Not exactly, and not just Morning Pages. In the quote she is talking about the fact that she has witnessed people taking her creativity classes who start out unhealthy and overweight but go through a dramatic change as they commit to their creative journeys. One of the tools that she believes helps is Morning Pages, but the others include: a journal where you write every time you eat and every time you want to eat (exploring the feelings that are making you want to snack); walking daily; four questions you ask every time you have a snack attack; Culinary Artist Dates (taking yourself out alone to explore different cuisines or different food experiences to make healthy eating fun); HALT (don’t let yourself get too hungry, too angry, too lonely, or too tired–writing about it when you do); and The Body Buddy (someone supportive who you can check in with daily who will not judge but will ask questions and point out things you might not see). I personally need a Body Buddy, but I think I can do everything else. I just really committed to this this morning and I feel truly inspired.

      So what does joining mean? It means anything you want it to mean. If you want to be my Body Buddy, I’m all for it, or maybe you just take a private journey yourself. I think I just was reaching out to anyone who recognizes that sometimes we trap ourselves in our own feelings of mediocrity.



  10. Sandi Ormsby
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 14:18:10

    me too. I’m going to get back on my cycle. For my mental health, I went back to church and joined a small group. It seems to be helping. I’ll probably be posting about that soon. 🙂 (My experience.) Sounds like you have made some decisions. that’s the first step.

    You and I are in the same boat, sorta…smiles! I need to get off the computer and start doing some of the things I said I’d do.

    Lake forest, CA


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 14:24:09

      Ah, but typing on the computer and writing actually burns calories you know. 90 minutes = 220 calories. 😀 But seriously, I feel good today. Since I wrote this post, I walked, and I got some work done and I ate a healthy lunch. We shall see what happens next.



  11. benzeknees
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 15:18:38

    Mine will have to start tomorrow I think since I’m having a particularly difficult day with my “quit” from smoking. I’m eating anything I can get my hands on to keep from smoking right now & that has to be my priority today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! I am not going to beat myself up about it though – I am going to be kind to myself, but a bit disciplined. I will be a body buddy for anyone who needs one. I’m in this for the long haul as I have over 100 pounds to lose!


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 15:25:46

      Hey, hang in there. Write for a little while in some kind of journal about how you are feeling today. Why do you want to smoke? (Answer in your journal, not me). What kind of food choices could you make to distract you from smoking that wouldn’t sabotage your eating goals? I’m here for you!


      • benzeknees
        Feb 02, 2012 @ 15:49:55

        Thanks – I went back to “QuitNet”, a website for people from all over the world who are quitting smoking & was able to express some of my feelings there & received a great deal of support. One of the best Quit Aids for me!
        And thanks for hanging with me – it means a lot!


  12. Taochild
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 18:12:19

    OK sis once again our posts seem to resonate. Scary the way the universe works. It has been my experience that often self change fails because we try to do it all at once. Instead of focusing on the individual aspects of ourselves we want to try to change one at a time, we try to change the whole package at once, and that is practically doomed to failure. But by setting individual, attainable goals that all head for the ultimate goal … a new and improved me … we can do wonders! I am with ya!!


  13. Andra Watkins
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 21:22:26

    Lisa, you look so happy in your picture. Already, this determination is making a difference. 🙂

    It’s funny. I’ve never heard of writing oneself right. Yet, that’s exactly what I did with my blog. I started it two years ago this month, and I can’t believe how much I’ve changed and grown by writing. I’m not perfect. I’m not exactly where I want to be in life. But, I’m happier with myself. I have a sense of peace *most* of the time. I think writing oneself right is possible, and I look forward to following your journey.


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 03, 2012 @ 07:27:57

      Perhaps that wasn’t the best photo to choose for this purpose. 😉 But, even happy people can get in their own way.

      I believe my blogging journey (which is also nearing the two year mark) had already helped me. I don’t know that I would have survived the past couple of years without this blog. Particularly this last year of blogging has healed me in so many ways that I really believe I can write myself right.


  14. thepetalpusher
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 19:58:05

    I’m with you, Lisa. Perhaps we can devote one blog a week to Writing it Right? I was told last year that I have to take blood pressure meds–even if they’re only 5 mgs.–I am shocked that I have to take them! I exercise fairly regularly but can’t seem to realize when I’m full! Hey, let’s do this–I’m ready to be a buddy.


    • Lisa Wields Words
      Feb 04, 2012 @ 19:30:14

      The journey begins. I’m supposed to be on blood pressure meds and lowering cholesterol meds but I haven’t gotten to a doctor yet since we moved. I’ve got to get on that.


  15. eof737
    Feb 04, 2012 @ 19:38:11

    Wishing you all the best on your game plan. 🙂


  16. Jackie Cangro
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 00:08:11

    There’s a reason that Julia Cameron’s writing method is so popular – it works! Good luck as you kick off what is sure to be a life changing process. I’m looking forward to your updates.


  17. Trackback: Writing Myself Wrong? « Woman Wielding Words
  18. Trackback: The dangers of writing in your head | The Ninja Cat Journals
  19. ifiwerebraveblog
    Feb 11, 2012 @ 10:39:30

    Sounds awesome. And a little intimidating. Can I reserve the right to join you midway if I feel I can?


  20. Trackback: Battling the Bulge During Birthday Month (A Write Myself Right Update) « Woman Wielding Words
  21. Trackback: Walking, Writing, and Working the Weight Away « Woman Wielding Words

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